If you find a friend who has her nails painted with a particular theme, you will understand that currently having the color of our hands that matches the dresses or clothing that we wear is very important since it is currently a complement but having the nails painted the color that goes to the range of our portfolio, shoes or the same color of the dress, that is why I found in this compilation of different photos of fashion nail designers, who are specifically dedicated to leaving us much more beautiful, these new trends where in many cases what is being done today continues but with touches of colors that are much more played and designs that you will want to look at to get new ideas.
As you can see, there is no color that is the trend, but we will be able to what we like as long as it combines with our dresses or shirts that we are willing to wear, as can also be the pants or skirt that we choose that can be with prints of Flowers that are used a lot today and in the nails many of them are with flowers, the designs that is why in each photo we see the details that the designers make to their clients as well as if we have good ideas to make ourselves where many times if we have a good pulse good ideas and motivation may be the best option to make our own designs thinking in our hands that each of the hands and nails are different since we have much thinner and more delicate hands as well as some that overloading them would be something against our look.

To begin with, we have in 2021 a much more minimalist trend when it comes to fashion, but we also have to think that the age of the woman who makes this type of design has a lot to do with it, since it is not the same to have in adolescence some animated characters such as animals or hearts as well for an older age that we want a more sober design but that attracts attention as it can happen with tattoos that often do not have a meaning but that we simply like and wish that this in our body.
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