Top 20 Xhosa Traditional Wedding Attires for Black women

Top 20 Xhosa Traditional Wedding Attires for Black women

This exciting Xhosa Traditional Wedding Attires are formed from printed fabric adorned with simple yet beautiful bead-work. The fiancée pairs the dress with a tartan rug scattered around the shoulder, which means the protective and naturing traits that a fiancée adds to a family.

Additionally, to the present, she also ties a woolen scarf around her waist and wraps her head with a black to finish the design. The headscarf is meant to hide her figure also as safeguard her fertility, while the doek may be a sign of respect towards the elders. A statement bride cannot ask the elders bare-headed.

Top 20 Xhosa Traditional Wedding Attires
Top 20 Xhosa Traditional Wedding Attires



This stylish and modern Xhosa Traditional Wedding Attires meets all the symbolic needs of the culture. Ranging from the top wrap to the knee-length dress, the bride serves reference to the Xhosa elders and sends a deterrent message to potential suitors respectively.




Top 20 Xhosa Traditional Wedding Attires
Top 20 Xhosa Traditional Wedding Attires





Top 20 Xhosa Traditional Wedding Attires

The twist with this dress is that it combines the fashionable dressing needs with traditional symbolism to achieve an excellent look.

The dress comes with a yellow tartan blanket that serves its Xhosa Traditional Wedding Attires’ importance because it is wrapped around the bride’s shoulder.







Unlike other dresses during this collection, the bride wears a red beret as against conventional head wrap as a symbol of reference to the elders.

The beadwork during this outfit is concentrated around the bride’s neck because it is worn as a bodily accessory as against the standard embroidering of beads on the material.







This exciting Xhosa Traditional Wedding Attires may be a combination of a high waist skirt made by wrapping yellow garment round the lower a part of your body.

It’s a strip of fabric running from the chest all the thanks to the ankle length, concealing the intercepting ends of the wrapped cloth. To finish the design, you’ve got to wear a gorget of beads and an identical head wrap.

Its beautiful Xhosa Traditional Wedding Attires design allows it to bulge outwardly from the waist to the ankle.

At rock bottom, the dress forms a slope that extends from the front to the rear and is meant with dark blue patterns running round the dress.












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